chester valley trail extension to downingtown
On the plus side, if you take your shopping cart with you, it passes by Wegmans, Target, Walmart and every other big box store along its way, with convenient access to all their parking lots. Overall, I think CVRT is more a commuter trail than recreational trail. Lots of shade & nice suburban neighborhoods to ride through. The rail-trail immediately crosses I-76 on a pedestrian bridge and heads west past retail centers and office parks along US 202. The remote sections are nice and trail well maintained but would choose a different trail next time. If you're starting from Exton, I'd recommend NOT parking near Walmart but in Raymour & Flanigan's parking lot to avoid crossing Rt 100, which is very busy! The trail is paved the entire way and crosses several busy roads, but each intersection is clearly marked and passable. In the middle, where it follows the Chester Valley Railroad bed, it is at its best. Public Meeting #1: 'Introduction' was held October 8th, 2015 at the West Whiteland Township Building Main Meeting Room. WHYY offers a voice to those not heard, a platform to share everyones stories, a foundation to empower early and lifelong learners and a trusted space for unbiased news. If you are looking for a great trail to hear mother nature. The historic Reading Railroad is planning a comeback as Schuylkill River Passenger Rail Authority holds its first meeting. At its eastern end, the rail-trail connects to theSchuylkill River Trail inNorristown. Several new bridges have been constructed to carry the trail over local roads, while a few underpasses and culverts left over from the railroad, have been refurbished. But that takes you to Boot Road. Each of these municipalities is represented on a project Steering Committee along with representatives from other County departments and local stakeholders. All in all, I would say that the portion of the trail that I saw was very nice. The additional mileage is coming to the Chester Valley Trail and the Schuylkill River Trail. endstream endobj startxref Current plans call for adding five more miles to the countys 22-mile-long network of paved pedestrian trails. Help defend and expand trails nationwide. Incoming traffic has the right of way and does not stop. the trail crossed a road. Riding east, there is 2 miles round trip east of the trailhead off of S. Warner Rd; as w. the western end of the trail, it's ugly but at least more interesting. The trail surface is paved in asphalt that is fully ADA accessible. The new trail section is a 10- to 12-foot-wide, paved, multiuse path that is part of the Circuit Trails network, a vast regional network of hundreds of miles of multiuse trails in the Greater Philadelphia region that is growing each year. All blacktop! Parking lot is large and new. If you are looking for a quiet bike ride in a beautiful setting, I would not suggest it. There are several road crossings that require (and have) crossing controls. Highlight was on the east end there is a Wegmans Super Store just off the trail. But I WAS FRUSTRATED! I'm wondering what the thoughts are. It is a favorite destination for walkers, runners, families, and bikers since it is convenient to a large population. Is the plan to connect to that?? TrailLink is a free service provided by Rails-to-Trails conservancy, We're a non-profit all about helping you enjoy the outdoors, Schuylkill River Trail by Trail Junction Center (75 E Lafayette St, Norristown) and 0.3 mile west of Indian Run St & Commerce Dr (Exton). We had a blast singing thru the tunnels and got a kick out of having our own bridges over traffic (what is the point otherwise). Fairly flat, and blacktop from start to finish, an easy ride even for beginners. hbbd```b``+@$SdExA$40,8`q L|` l@Z ".D@1#cmT#30}0 Kn Read more about the planned trail extensions in the Daily Local News. This trail does track w/ R-202 along KoP which can get pretty noisy but for the most part its pretty quiet, hence the 4 stars, not 5. Parts of the Chester Valley Trail are labeled as "Patriot's Path," a path proposed to connect the Paoli Massacre Site with Valley Forge National Historic Park. At its full length, the Chester Valley Trail is planned to run from Atglen at the Chester County line to the Schuylkill River. (Courtesy Montgomery County). There is a parking lot off S. Warner Rd. 527 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<30715B5F81D1434990890CD627567620>]/Index[501 42]/Info 500 0 R/Length 124/Prev 659292/Root 502 0 R/Size 543/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The trail is used for commuting, exercise, and recreation by a variety of users including, walkers, joggers, cyclists, and inline skaters. If the CVT was designed for such high speeds there would be mandatory lanes for bike riders. It is also a very wide trail with plenty of passing room. Drivers always slowed down for us to cross. It runs too close to major highways making it quite noisy in spots. There's construction at the main intersection in Exton at the moment about a mile-ish from the trail end. (Courtesy of Montgomery County). This took me out to the parking lot by Wegman's. 29 you need to zig and zag and wait for the traffic light and as you continue east the trail goes through the Target/Wegman's parking lot. Flat and paved is always a welcome reprieve from crushed stone or otherwise. The installation of the new bridge over Henderson Road in Upper Merion Township for the Chester Valley Trail. Formed in 1850 by the Philadelphia and Reading Company, the Chester Valley Railroad stretched 22 miles between Bridgeport and Downingtown. Fourth very nice bathroom and parking area at Exton Park on Church Farm Road. The extension will cost $6.2 million, and it will be fully funded by federal reimbursement through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program. The new trail was constructed as a 10- to 12-foot-wide, paved, multi-use path that is part of the Circuit Trails network, a vast regional network of hundreds of miles of multi-use trails in the Greater Philadelphia region . The trail surface is paved in asphalt that is fully ADA accessible. The good news for bicyclists is that the trail is flat, wide, smooth, and fairly scenic as it winds past parks, forested land, and streams. To cross Rt. This is a well built trail that travels down Pennsylvania's Great Valley. WHYY provides trustworthy, fact-based, local news and information and world-class entertainment to everyone in our community. However, the fact that several major segments remain unbuilt, necessitating lengthy detours on busy roads, give the trail a low overall rating. Our first ride on the CVT was our last. Overall a great trail! Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. From that point, Montgomery County has built a link over the Schuylkill Expressway to South Gulph Road in Upper Merion. endstream endobj 502 0 obj <. Overall I look forward to riding the trail again when the next expansion phase is completed. Can't wait for the expansions to be completed in the coming years and ride from Downingtown to Philadelphia. pts 4 downingtown train station rail station, parking, ped access bp 2 chester valley trail extension to downingtown multi-use trail bp 3 chester valley trail: exton to oaklands multi-use trail bp 12 brandywine trail ext: bradford av to boot rd multi-use trail bp 30 business 30: lloyd ave to train station streetscapes All in all, this is a great trail and I'll be doing this again. As a nonprofit organization, we rely on financial support from readers like you. Signage makes the trail easy to follow, and the quarter mile markers are an improvement over the usual half mile markers. I went to the East end and then to Rt 100. Hartman described the trail system like a humans circulatory system with the Cross County as the trail artery because it allows path users to make many connections to other major trails. and continue the trail from the Exton Wal-Mart west to Downingtown are still in the planning stages. I'm anxioust to ride end-to-end. For a newbie, these crossings were sometimes confusing. Our suburban reporters want to hear from you! The Chester Valley Trail extension is considered integral to Montgomery Countys trail system, Hartman said. Around the 8 mile point, the scenery is more open, with farms along the trail. The Chester County Parks & Recreation Department opened this trail in 1979 on part of a former Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way. Started in the car park at the western end and rode all the way to KoP. There is a 0.8-mile spur trail that splits from the main route by the intersection of Commerce Drive and S Pottstown Pike/Main Street. Public Meeting #2: 'Alternatives Analysis Review / DRAFT Recommended Alignment' was held March 30th at the West Whiteland Township Main Meeting Room. The new Chester Valley Trail extension and the Cross County Trail are pieces of the Circuit Trails Coalitions plans aimed to connect Philadelphia, the surrounding suburbs, and parts of New Jersey and Delaware, with 500 miles of trails by 2025. The trail is well-maintained. The # of road crossings will bother some more than others, but they don't compare to the Barnegat Branch trail & northern section of the Henry Hudson trail near the NJ shore. We have ridden most of trail nice pavement easy road crossings very easy ride for family we park behind Swedesford shopping center plenty of parking. I have a Mountain bike, but this trail is good for road bikes as well. when this trail is complete it will be one of the better trails in the Delaware Valley, Hard to find due to confusing signage. Is it still there? lacks trail etiquette And mostly I hated the busy road crossings from Malvern on. The access at Exton Park is great with parking and restroom. I only walked a small section, about 3 miles but it was clean and perfect. The trail is great. Brandywine Conservancy is working with Caln Township and the Chester County Planning Commission on a feasibility study for its portion of Chester County's Chester Valley Trail West extension, which the previously completed study refers to as the "Beaver Creek Trail.". I have ridden the paved portion many times with my seven year old daughter and she has no problems making a round trip. The spur connects to the Exton SEPTA/Amtrack Station. The study made 3 recommendations: In 2011 Tredyffrin Township did a feasibility study to examine a connection from the Chester Valley Trail to the Paoli Train Station. The Schuylkill River Trail stretches from Philadelphia to beyond Reading with many connecting trails which will result in an uninterrupted trail system easily exceeding 100 miles (after connectors are completed-check back in 2013 for that ride). As a woman who typically runs alone, it's worth noting that I felt quite safe here (I'm not particularly paranoid but in today's times safety is a consideration now). Several of the crossings are by bridge or tunnel and some are on the street. Help is close by if you have any type of accident or need help. It IS a really nice trail! The county will start designing the last 5-mile stretch of the trail in 2023. In Exton, the crossing at Rt 100 is a mean 3-way dog-leg. . Many points of access as the mostly tree-line trail runs besides neighborhoods, corporate parks, and shopping centers. One was in a development and had no traffic. At some point during your activities on this trail, you will come across dear. While the Chester Valley Trail West Study completed . First time on the trail today and loved it. West of Church Farm School towards Exton the trail is unpaved and becomes packed gravel then old train bed with large rocks and weeds. The Exton end is very flat while the King of Prussia end has a few not-too-difficult hills. Chester County is expecting to extend the trail into Downingtown. Initially, the trail goes along some very congested real estate, but the sound barriers do muffle the traffic noise so in portions it is very nice, heavily wooded on both sides, and in some places refreshingly cool. I imagine some of this has to do with the newness of the trail. Complete Streets, Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans. The project study area includes 6 Chester County municipalities: Caln Township; Downingtown Borough; East Bradford Township; East Caln Township; West Bradford Township; and, West Whiteland Township. It is estimated that there are over 85,000 jobs and 58,000 residents, as well as professional buildings, corporate centers and shopping malls along the trail in West Whiteland, East Whiteland, and Tredyffrin Townships. 501 0 obj <> endobj On Monday, March 13, 2023, the Montgomery County Commissioners joined with other local officials to cut the ribbon on the Chester Valley Trail Extension, a 3.8-mile extension of the Chester Valley Trail. Yes, some slight slopes, but nothing serious. He has a mountain bike. A 3.8-mile eastward extension to Norristown opened in March 2023 and connects the trail to theSchuylkill River Trail, which creates access to Valley Forge National Historical Park to the north and Philadelphia to the south. it is best to start this trail from the King of Prussia side and ride to the end point in Exton. Struble Trail Description. I'm basing my rating on comparison to other trails I've ridden. Pretty flat. To get from Clover Mill Road to Boot Road, and then down 322 to where the existing trail begins, there is a massive hilly area. My brother and I rode this asphalt trail. The section that I have ridden stretches from Valley Creek Rd near the Church Farm School eastward to Rt 29 near the new Wegman's - approx 4.5 miles. Have ridden this trail several times. 100 is chaotic! Paving is nice. First time users of the CVT. It's a pretty run, homes to look at, woods, hills parts are shaded, parts are not. Chester Valley Trail. In the future, extensions to the trail will allow . Lots of bikers, walkers and families on this trail but majority were friendly as you passed. They're pretty easily managed. Maps were disabled by the visitor on this site. Be careful here. bp 2 chester valley trail extension to downingtown multi-use trail x x x x x x bp 3 chester valley trail: exton to oaklands multi-use trail x x x bp 4 enola low grade extension multi-use trail x x x bp 5 struble trail extension x x x bp 6 chester valley trail west multi-use trail x x x bp 7 paoli pike trail: airport rd to line rd multi-use . I have used the Struble Trail near my home mostly, and have a little experience with several other rail trail systems in SE PA. Today being especially beautiful and the weather cool I chose to ride on the Chester Valley Trail. 4.5 is a more appropriate rating. Despite its current, short length, this trail allows residents from communities south of the Schuylkill Expressway and Route 202 to walk or bike to the King of Prussia Mall. It might get a little boring. (NJ drivers are less likely to stop than PA drivers.) And there is a massive hill between that area, and where the Downingtown Trail is along 322. View or download a copy of the Chester Valley Trail Extension Feasibility Study and Master Plan. The trail is well used by walkers and bikers on weekdays but there was not so much traffic to make it feel crowded. An official website of the Chester County Government. We are very excited about the potential for developing this trail in the heart of central Chester County and expanding The Circuit, Greater Philadelphias regional trail network. We will go back after a few more trails to see if we still think the same. Lots of stops to cross traffic. Bike shops in Exton also make for easy service. The county will also connect that part of the Cross County Trail at Stenton Avenue to the Wissahickon Trail with a new 2-mile extension. The plan is to expand this trail one mile to the west. There are a few road crossings but they are well controlled by lights and the drivers in this area seem to be familiar with the trail crossings and often stop before you get to push the button for the traffic signal. Very shady for hot days. Section from Wegmans out to Chesterbrook is pretty open and from Chesterbrook to end is also uninterrupted for the most part with crossing roads. Trail is perfect--not even a crack. I found the use of audible signals or vocal warnings by those passing is also infrequent. Second, I love the quarter mile markers. A nice little bridge as well as a nice little tunnel, nice scenary along the way. Once one reaches Exton Park Trailhead, where water, restroom and tables are available, unless one wants to go into Exton, there is little reason to travel further. Most is shaded and the cars were very good about stopping when This extension connects the Chester Valley Trail with the Schuylkill River Trail in Norristown. Would recommend to families, runners, walkers alike! I quite literally DID NOT KNOW WHERE the trail was! The extensions recommended alignment is to develop the trail within the inactive Philadelphia and Thorndale low-grade rail corridor which parallels the Amtrak Keystone Corridor or the Main Line between Exton and Thorndale. Chester Valley Trail spans 18.6 from Schuylkill River Trail by Trail Junction Center (75 E Lafayette St, Norristown) to 0.3 mile west of Indian Run St & Commerce Dr (Exton) . The Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC) completed the Chester Valley Trail Extension Study (CVTE) which investigated alternatives and determined a recommended alignment for extension of the Chester Valley Trail (CVT) from its current terminus in Exton into the Borough of Downingtown. The Chester Valley Trail now stretches 13.5 miles in Chester County, from the Montgomery County border and running through Tredyffrin, East Whiteland, and West Whiteland townships. I did this trail about a month ago, I have no idea how they come up with 12 miles. I found it unsafe since many of the bike riders do not observe the 15mph speed limit that is clearly marked on the pavement and is appropriate for a multi-use trail. If you're riding the entire trial, all the crossing can become a bit burdensome. Duane Morris investigation into Central Bucks finds no discrimination against LGBTQ students, Shapiro signs first bill, expands Pa. health insurance coverage for breast cancer screenings, 3 unions at Rutgers University have reached tentative agreements. Nice trail with smooth asphalt for inline skating. It was raining, but still plenty of people out and about. Friends of the Chester Valley Trail has a Facebook page for current information, photos and quick responses to questions. Bidding and construction will most likely start sometime this year. Noise from 202 was blocked mostly by a wall. I started at the King of Prussia park and ride, and biked to Exton and returned. I did find my way to where the trail starts up again at Commerce Dr. Getting across Rt 100 is a challenge. I cannot claim to be a frequent trail user. This trail dose have some potential, I have no idea how is managing it. If your looking for a relaxing ride this trail isnt for you. It has since been investing in pre-existing and new trails across the county, and making huge strides. on the other side. We love this trail! But going further has major road crossings, and one enters into a major commercial area, and about a mile or so past that, the trail simply stops. This will likely change once future segments are finished. Once complete this trail will connect Downingtown, Coatesville, Parkesburg, Atglen and points in between with the . Currently, a 5.1 mile section is complete, connecting Montgomery County to Chester County. So there ends up being lots more stop and go along the path. Visit the TrailLink map for all options and detailed directions. This trail is paved, 12 feet in width, and will eventually be 22 miles long. A view of the Chester Valley Trail. Meanwhile, the Schuylkill River Trail, which runs through East Coventry and North Coventry townships, will have four miles added to its current 5.75 miles this spring. The Road crossing at Rt 100 is rather bizarre. It's not congested like the Schuylkill River Trail. Philadelphia trail linking Schuylkill and Delaware rivers closer to taking shape. The CVTE study is partially funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PA DCNR) Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2). Only about 500 ft of total elevation after doing a down and back. It was a weekday so I did not have any problems with traffic. Third, very nice long trail. The trail is paved from Morehall rd to N Ship rd except for about a mile. Love it if could connect to VF park trail, but overall a great trail whether biking, running or taking the dog for a walk. The location is home to one of the largest concentrations of employment and population in the Philadelphia region outside of Center City, and the trail provides a key connection of "The Circuit .
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