coastal plain industries
Typically, a rural community is part of a non-metropolitan statistical area that contains cities with populations under 50,000 and that have a high degree of economic and social integration. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD, 37 pp. 6: Forests, KM 1 and KM 3).274, Wildfire is a well-known risk in the Southeast region, where it occurs with greater frequency than any other U.S. region.275 However, mitigation strategies, particularly the use of prescribed fire, can significantly reduce wildfire risk and have been widely adopted across rural communities in the Southeast.190 A doubling of prescribed fire at the landscape scale has been found to reduce wildfire ignitions by a factor of four,4 while it is well documented that prescribed fire reduces the potential for crown fire in treated forest stands.276With greater projected fire risks,191,277 more attention on how to foster fire-adapted communities offers opportunities for risk reduction (see Case Study Prescribed Fire and Key Message 3).278,279, Heat-related health threats are already a risk in outdoor jobs and activities. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Asheville, NC. Swanteson-Franz, R. J., D. J. Krofcheck, and M. D. Hurteau, 2018: Quantifying forest carbon dynamics as a function of tree species composition and management under projected climate. Fu, T.-M., Y. Zheng, F. Paulot, J. Mao, and R. M. Yantosca, 2015: Positive but variable sensitivity of August surface ozone to large-scale warming in the southeast United States. In the future, rising temperatures and increases in the duration and intensity of drought are expected to increase wildfire occurrence and also reduce the effectiveness of prescribed fire practices.3,4,5,6. City of Atlanta, 2015: Climate Action Plan. Martin, J. H., and L. W. McEachron, 1996: Historical annotated review of winter kills of marine organisms in Texas bays. 12: Transportation, KM 1). Much larger changes are simulated by the late 21st century under the higher scenario (RCP8.5), which most closely tracks with our current consumption of fossil fuels. What is the industries of the coastal plains? Stein, B. USDA, Forest Service, Washington Office, Washington, DC, 218 pp. US Geological Survey, Reston, VA, 278 pp. Sea level rise will result in the rapid conversion of coastal, terrestrial, and freshwater ecosystems to tidal saline habitats. 3: Water, KM 2; Ch. In the Southeast region, changing fire regimes (defined by factors including frequency, intensity, size, pattern, season, and severity) are expected to have a large impact on natural systems. Washington, DC, 97 pp. There is very high confidence that southeastern cities will likely be impacted by climate change, especially in the areas of infrastructure and human health. Bernatchez, A., and L. Lapointe, 2012: Cooler temperatures favour growth of wild leek (Allium tricoccum), a deciduous forest spring ephemeral. A study of hazard management plans (20042008) in 84 selected rural southeastern counties found these plans scored low across various criteria.288 The rural, geographically remote locations contributed to more difficult logistics in reaching people. Sweet, W., J. Pierce, D. W., D. R. Cayan, and B. L. Thrasher, 2014: Statistical downscaling using Localized Constructed Analogs (LOCA). 201512,39). Exposure to high nighttime minimum temperatures reduces the ability of some people to recover from high daytime temperatures, resulting in heat-related illness and death.26 This effect is particularly pronounced in cities, many of which have urban heat islands that already cause elevated nighttime temperatures.27 Cities are taking steps to prevent negative health impacts from heat. The Southeast includes vast expanses of coastal and inland low-lying areas, the southern portion of the Appalachian Mountains, numerous high-growth metropolitan areas, and large rural expanses. High-amenity rural areas typically have experienced substantial economic and population growth. However, the impacts to coral reef ecosystems in the region have been and are expected to be particularly dire. Global Change Research Program 1800 G Street, NW, Suite 9100, Washington, DC 20006 USA Tel: +1 202.223.6262 | Fax: +1 202.223.3065, Contact Us Copy. 15: Tribes, KM 3). Tampa Bay Water, 2014: Tampa Bay Water Hosts Florida Water and Climate Alliance Workshop. A. Bradley, J. T. Abatzoglou, R. C. Nagy, E. J. Fusco, and A. L. Mahood, 2017: Human-started wildfires expand the fire niche across the United States. Climate change is expected to intensify the hydrologic cycle and increase the frequency and severity of extreme events like drought and heavy rainfall. Rural counties in the region generally have a diversified economy with a relatively low percentage being heavily dependent on one sector. Guo, H., C. Weaver, S. P. Charles, A. Whitt, S. Dastidar, P. D'Odorico, J. D. Fuentes, J. S. Kominoski, A. R. Armitage, and S. C. Pennings, 2017: Coastal regime shifts: Rapid responses of coastal wetlands to changes in mangrove cover. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 149. Ferrario, F., M. W. Beck, C. D. Storlazzi, F. Micheli, C. C. Shepard, and L. Airoldi, 2014: The effectiveness of coral reefs for coastal hazard risk reduction and adaptation. ), disagreement or lack of opinions among experts. Springer, Berlin,. Kreye, J. K., J. M. Varner, J. K. Hiers, and J. Mola, 2013: Toward a mechanism for eastern North American forest mesophication: Differential litter drying across 17 species. Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, Washington, DC, 19 pp. As a result, median household income in the rural counties closest to the coast Camden ($60,714), Dare ($54,787) and Carteret ($50,599) are all higher than the state average of $48,256.1. Most of the rural population does not depend on natural resources for their livelihoods. While some climate change impacts, such as sea level rise and extreme downpours, are being acutely felt now, others, like increasing exposure to dangerous high temperatures, humidity, and new local diseases, are expected to become more significant in the coming decades. Mayor's Office of Sustainability, Atlanta, GA, 48 pp. Multiple lines of research have shown that global sea levels have increased in the past and are projected to continue to accelerate in the future due to increased global temperature and that higher local sea level rise rates in the Mid-Atlantic and Gulf Coasts have occurred.51,52,53,54,55,56,57,59,61,62, Annual occurrences of high tide flooding have increased, causing several Southeast coastal cities to experience all-time records of occurrences that are posing daily risks.1,52,58,60,61,63,67,68, There is scientific consensus that sea level rise will continue to cause increases in high tide flooding in the Southeast as well as impact the frequency and duration of extreme water level events, causing an increase in the vulnerability of coastal populations and property.1,60,63,67,68, In the future, coastal flooding is projected to become more serious, disruptive, and costly as the frequency, depth, and inland extent grow with time.1,2,35,64,65,67,68, Many analyses have determined that extreme rainfall events have increased in the Southeast, and under higher scenarios, the frequency and intensity of these events are projected to increase.19,21,88, Rainfall records have shown that since NCA3, many intense rainfall events (approaching 500-year events) have occurred in the Southeast, with some causing billions of dollars in damage and many deaths.68,82,84, The flood events in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 2016 and in South Carolina in 2015 provide real examples of how vulnerable inland and coastal communities are to extreme rainfall events.81,85,86, The socioeconomic impacts of climate change on the Southeast is a developing research field.65,71. September 9. Rural communities are integral to the Southeasts cultural heritage and to the strong agricultural and forest products industries across the region. Carter, L., A. Terando, K. Dow, K. Hiers, K.E. Without significant adaptation measures, these regions are projected to experience daily high tide flooding by the end of the century (likely, high confidence). As sea levels have risen locally in the last one hundred years, the storm water systems in these areas are no longer able to perform as designed. While heat illness is more often associated with urban settings, rural populations are also at risk. Allen, C. D., D. D. Breshears, and N. G. McDowell, 2015: On underestimation of global vulnerability to tree mortality and forest die-off from hotter drought in the Anthropocene. Bjorndal, K. A., A. Seminole Tribe of Florida. Supplement to State of the Climate: National Overview for May 2016. This is the only watershed-level hazard mitigation collaboration of this kind happening in the state and has the support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, and the Louisiana Office of Community Development.96, Many communities in the Southeast also participate in FEMAs Community Rating System (CRS) program, which provides reduced flood insurance premiums to communities that go above and beyond the minimum National Flood Insurance Program regulation standards.97 Many communities require a safety factor, also known as freeboard, expressed as feet above the base flood elevation, for construction in special flood hazard areas. Case Study: Charleston, South Carolina, Begins Planning and Reinvesting for Sea Level Rise, Case Study: A Lesson Learned for Community Resettlement: Isle de Jean Charles Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe, Case Study: Coastal and Inland Impacts of Extreme Rainfall. Griffith, J. Many recreational fishery populations in tropical coastal areas are freeze-sensitive138,174,175,176,177,178 and are, therefore, expected to move northward in response to warmer water and air temperatures. B. C. Jackson, 2017: Ghost reefs: Nautical charts document large spatial scale of coral reef loss over 240 years. Gandhi, K. J. K., and D. A. Herms, 2010: Direct and indirect effects of alien insect herbivores on ecological processes and interactions in forests of eastern North America. | doi: Fei, S., J. M. Desprez, K. M. Potter, I. Jo, J. In addition to plants, warmer winter air temperatures will also affect the movement and interactions between many different kinds of organisms. How a place relates to surrounding areas, though, is also a vital component of its economic success. While all regional residents and communities are potentially at risk for some impacts, some communities or populations are at greater risk due to their locations, services available, and economic situations. Why do some coastal rural countries thrive while others struggle? Coral reefs are biologically diverse ecosystems that provide many societal benefits, including coastal protection from waves, habitat for fish, and recreational and tourism opportunities.238,239 However, coral reef mortality in the Florida Keys and across the globe has been very high in recent decades, due in part to warming ocean temperatures, nutrient enrichment, overfishing, and coastal development.240,241,242,243,244 Small increases in ocean temperature can cause corals to expel the symbiotic algae upon which they depend for nourishment. The U.S. The depth of discussion for any particular topic and Key Message is dependent on the availability of supporting literature and chapter length limitations. ), competing schools of thought, Inconclusive evidence (limited sources, extrapolations, inconsistent findings, poor documentation and/or methods not tested, etc. Another abundant natural resource that the Coastal Plains contains is rocks and sediments that get washed up along the many rivers and streams, which are used to make cement, roads, and clay. Pederson, N., A. W. D'Amato, J. M. Dyer, D. R. Foster, D. Goldblum, J. L. Hart, A. E. Hessl, L. R. Iverson, S. T. Jackson, D. Martin-Benito, B. C. McCarthy, R. W. McEwan, D. J. Mladenoff, A. J. Parker, B. Shuman, and J. W. Williams, 2015: Climate remains an important driver of post-European vegetation change in the eastern United States. - Industries: Federal and state government, farming, horse industry. Monaghan, A. J., C. W. Morin, D. F. Steinhoff, O. Wilhelmi, M. Hayden, D. A. Quattrochi, M. Reiskind, A. L. Lloyd, K. Smith, C. A. Schmidt, P. E. Scalf, and K. Ernst, 2016: On the seasonal occurrence and abundance of the Zika virus vector mosquito Aedes aegypti in the contiguous United States. Mazzotti, F. J., M. S. Cherkiss, M. Parry, J. Beauchamp, M. Rochford, B. Smith, K. Hart, and L. A. Brandt, 2016: Large reptiles and cold temperatures: Do extreme cold spells set distributional limits for tropical reptiles in Florida? Wise, S., 2017: Virginia Governor declares state of emergency ahead of Hurricane Irma.. WebCoastal Plains Trucking provides safe, superior logistics services to consistently deliver value to our customers. Learn term:fishing = industry in the coastal plain region with free interactive flashcards. These flooding occurrences increased more than 50% in 2015 compared to 2014.58 In 2016, three all-time records were either tied (14 days at Key West, FL) or broken (50 days at Charleston, SC, and 38 days at Savannah, GA). Interviewees also identified low-income and minority communities, substandard housing, lack of access to vehicles for evacuation, limited modes of communication, and limited local government capacity as contributing factors to difficulties in emergency planning.288, The healthcare system in the Southeast is already overburdened and may be further stressed by climate change. In pursuing economic Jacobson, E. R., D. G. Barker, T. M. Barker, R. Mauldin, M. L. Avery, R. Engeman, and S. Secor, 2012: Environmental temperatures, physiology and behavior limit the range expansion of invasive Burmese pythons in southeastern USA. Coastal Plain's industry is mainly agriculture. High temperatures, increases in accumulated plant material on the forest floor, and a four-month seasonal drought in the fall of 2016 collectively produced the worst wildfires the region has seen in a century. Even the most remote rural areas are less isolated than in the past, with ever stronger ties to international markets and labor. Scott, R., 2017: Gov. Gray, R. Hardy, B. Brost, M. Bresette, J. C. Gorham, S. Connett, B. V. S. Crouchley, M. Dawson, D. Hayes, C. E. Diez, R. P. van Dam, S. Willis, M. Nava, K. M. Hart, M. S. Cherkiss, A. G. Crowder, C. Pollock, Z. Hillis-Starr, F. A. Muoz Tenera, R. Herrera-Pavn, V. Labrada-Martagn, A. Lorences, A. Negrete-Philippe, M. M. Lamont, A. M. Foley, R. Bailey, R. R. Carthy, R. Scarpino, E. McMichael, J. 8: Coastal, KM 1). Island Press, Washington, DC,. There are limited studies documenting direct connections between climate changes and economic impacts. Ungerer, M. J., M. P. Ayres, and M. J. Lombardero, 1999: Climate and the northern distribution limits of Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). By the end of the century under a higher scenario (RCP8.5), projections indicate approximately double the number of heavy rainfall events (2-day precipitation events with a 5-year return period) and a 21% increase in the amount of rain falling on the heaviest precipitation days (days with a 20-year return period).19,81 These projected increases would directly affect the vulnerability of the Southeasts coastal and low-lying areas. Figure 2. Natural resources (see Key Message 3), industry, the local economy, and the population of the region are at increasing risk to these extreme events. 6: Forests, KM 1).217,218,219,220,221,222,223 Drought can also affect aquatic and wetland ecosystems,224 for example by contributing to mortality and ecological transformations in salt marshes,225,226 mangrove forests,227,228,229,230,231 and tidal freshwater forests.232 In addition to drought, extreme rainfall events are also expected to become more frequent and severe in the future. Future temperature increases are projected to pose challenges for human health. U.S. Census Bureau, , accessed May 17. Desantis, L. R. G., S. Bhotika, K. Williams, and F. E. Putz, 2007: Sea-level rise and drought interactions accelerate forest decline on the Gulf Coast of Florida, USA. Technical Report 02-15. Wiki User 2013-09-30 17:32:25 This answer is: Study guides Jobs 19 Clustering stems from private sector leadership and government partnerships that drive such outcomes as business and industrial parks. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Le Bras, A. Lemonsu, N. Long, M. P. Moine, T. Morel, L. Nolorgues, G. Pigeon, J. L. Salagnac, V. Vigui, and K. Zibouche, 2014: Adapting cities to climate change: A systemic modelling approach. Thomson Reuters. 10: Ag & Rural, KM 4).8,9,10 Reducing stress associated with these factors can increase household and community resilience.9,284. Although it is possible to make general predictions of climate change effects, specific future ecological transformations can be difficult to predict, especially given the number of interacting and changing biotic and abiotic factors in any specific location. Median Household Income of Non-Metro Coastal Counties, 2012-2016. Noss, R. F., 2012: Forgotten Grasslands of the South: Natural History and Conservation. WebThe Coastal Plain province comprises the southern and eastern thirds of the state, and its elevation varies from sea level to about 300 feet (90 metres). Southeastern forests represent almost 27% of the U.S. total262 and are the highest-valued crop in the region.7 The vast majority of forest is held in private hands, primarily corporate. EPA 800-Q-15-004. Percentage Change in Population of Non-Metropolitan Coastal Counties, 2010-2017. Changes in winter air temperature patterns are one aspect of climate change that will play an especially important role in the Southeast. Under the higher scenario, nighttime minimum temperatures above 75F and daytime maximum temperatures above 95F become the summer norm and nights above 80F and days above 100F, now relatively rare occurrences, become commonplace. The Atlantic Plain of the United States includes portions of the coastal states of Delaware, If you place a premium on safety and performance, CPT is the ), The Cherokee have been harvesting ramps, a wild onion (Allium tricoccum), in the southern Appalachians, their ancestral homelands, for thousands of years.264,265 Collecting ramps for food sustenance is only one aspect of this cultural tradition. Wyman, M., S. Malone, T. Stein, and C. Johnson, 2012: Race and wildfire risk perceptions among rural forestland owners in north-central Florida. Figure 3. U.S. For example, the distribution of tropical herbivorous fish has been expanding in response to warmer waters, which has resulted in the tropicalization of some temperate marine ecosystems and decreases in the cover of valuable macroalgal plant communities.179 A decrease in the growth of sea turtles in the West Atlantic has been linked to higher ocean temperatures.237 The impacts to coral reef ecosystems have been and are expected to be particularly dire. 10: Ag & Rural, KM 1).267,268 Although ramps are found all along the Appalachian mountain range, on Cherokee ancestral lands, they are already in their southernmost range. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005: Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Synthesis. Census Bureau, 2017: Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) [web site]. Winter temperature extremes, fire regimes, sea levels, hurricanes, rainfall extremes, drought extremes, and warming ocean temperatures greatly influence the distribution, abundance, and performance of species and ecosystems. Colten, C., 2017: Floods collide with sprawl in Louisiana's Amite River Basin. In addition to sea level rise, climate change is expected to increase the impacts of hurricanes; the high winds, storm surges, inundation, and salts that accompany hurricanes will have large ecological impacts to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems.209,210. van der Wiel, K., S. B. Kapnick, G. J. van Oldenborgh, K. Whan, S. Philip, G. A. Vecchi, R. K. Singh, J. Arrighi, and H. Cullen, 2017: Rapid attribution of theAugust 2016 flood-inducing extreme precipitation in south Louisiana to climate change. Recent changes in metropolitan-nonmetropolitan migration streams. Stone, 2015: Rising heat wave trends in large US cities. Other examples include Miami Beach, Florida, which has a multiyear, $500-million program to raise public roads and seawalls and improve storm water drainage.92 Norfolk, Virginia, has begun comprehensive planning to fix its high tide flooding issues.93 Biloxi, Mississippi, has put in place several adaptation strategies to lessen the future impacts, including enacting a new building code that requires elevating structures an additional one foot above the base flood elevation.94 Tybee Island, Georgia, has developed a sea level rise adaptation plan with recommendations to flood-proof a 5.5-mile stretch of their sole access causeway, replace two vulnerable bridges, and retrofit their existing storm water infrastructure to improve drainage.95 In response to the 2016 flooding, eight parishes in the Acadiana region of Louisiana came together to collaborate at a watershed level, pooling their federal hazard mitigation grant funding to support projects across the Teche-Vermilion watershed. Lafayette, LA. Grace, C. L. Stagg, R. H. Day, S. B. Hartley, N. M. Enwright, A. S. From, M. L. McCoy, and J. L. McLeod, 2017: Macroclimatic change expected to transform coastal wetland ecosystems this century. Anthony, K. R. N., J. Coral elevation and volume in the Florida Keys have been declining in recent decades,245 and present-day temperatures in the region are already close to bleaching thresholds; hence, it is likely that many of the remaining coral reefs in the Southeast region will be lost in the coming decades.246,247 In addition to warming temperatures, accelerated ocean acidification is also expected to contribute to coral reef mortality and decline.248,249 When coral reefs are lost, coastal communities lose the many benefits provided by these valuable ecosystems, including lost tourism opportunities, a decline in fisheries, and a decrease in wave protection.246,247. Vose, R. S., D. R. Easterling, K. E. Kunkel, A. N. LeGrande, and M. F. Wehner, 2017: Temperature Changes in the United States. Rural communities have benefited from the proliferation of automobiles and improvements in transportation infrastructure, which allow for more rural- to-urban commuting. Area > 290.00 km2 (111.97 sq mi) Population > 32,215 (2015 Census) Terrain > Mountainous with narrow Coastal Plain Industries > Agriculture, Trading, Tourism Major Products > Rice, Corn, Fish, Coconut, Vegetables, Pineapple, Poultry, Handicraft, Home-made Food Items People/Language > Tagalog, Bicolano, English The Southeast Coastal non-metropolitan area includes Beaufort, Bladen, Carteret, Columbus, Duplin, Greene, Harnett, Lenoir, Robeson, Sampson, Scotland, and Wilson counties. Many of these urban areas are rapidly growing and offer opportunities to adopt effective adaptation efforts to prevent future negative impacts of climate change (very likely, high confidence). Wide variety of patterns & colors, in plank flooring & floor tiles. Changing winter temperature extremes, wildfire patterns, sea levels, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and warming ocean temperatures are expected to redistribute species and greatly modify ecosystems (very likely, high confidence). Wiley, New York,. A regions uniqueness is based on the availability and productive use of essential assets for production, such as land, labor, and capital. NOAA National Weather Service, Silver Spring, MD, various pp. 7: Ecosystems). Miller, R., D. Arthur, B. Barami, A. Breck, S. Costa, K. Lewis, K. McCoy, and E. Morrison, 2016: Hampton Roads Climate Impact Quantification Initiative: Baseline Assessment of the Transportation Assets & Overview of Economic Analyses Useful in Quantifying Impacts. Clustered development the close proximity of multiple businesses facilitate economies of scale, as well as spillovers in knowledge that result in innovation. Kozlowski, T. T., and S. G. Pallardy, 1997: Growth Control in Woody Plants. ERS, 2017: Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America [web tool]. Emanuel, K., 2017: Will global warming make hurricane forecasting more difficult? A. Mendelssohn, and M. D. Materne, 2004: Acute salt marsh dieback in the Mississippi River deltaic plain: A drought-induced phenomenon? Acadiana Planning Commission, 2018: APC Board allocates $25 million in HMGP funding to regional flood mitigation projects. Many indicators of vulnerability are dynamic, so that adaptation and other changes can affect the patterns of vulnerability to heat and other climate stressors over time. Maldonado, J. K., and K. Peterson, 2018: A community-based model for resettlement: Lessons from coastal Louisiana . Duke, N. C., J. M. Kovacs, A. D. Griffiths, L. Preece, D. J. E. Hill, P. van Oosterzee, J. Mackenzie, H. S. Morning, and D. Burrows, 2017: Large-scale dieback of mangroves in Australia's Gulf of Carpentaria: A severe ecosystem response, coincidental with an unusually extreme weather event. Abkowitz, M., J. NOAA NCEI, 2018: Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters [web page]. Dayton, P. K., 1972: Toward an understanding of community resilience and the potential effects of enrichments to the benthos at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Prestemon, J. P., U. Shankar, A. Xiu, K. Talgo, D. Yang, E. Dixon, D. McKenzie, and K. L. Abt, 2016: Projecting wildfire area burned in the south-eastern United States, 201160. 2: Our Changing Climate. In the Southeast, over 56% of land remains rural (nonmetropolitan) and home to approximately 16 million people, or about 17% percent of the regions population.250 These rural areas are important to the social and economic well-being of the Southeast. The differing trends in hot days and warm nights reflect the seasonal differences in average daily maximum and average daily minimum temperature trends. Addington, R. N., S. J. Hudson, J. K. Hiers, M. D. Hurteau, T. F. Hutcherson, G. Matusick, and J. M. Parker, 2015: Relationships among wildfire, prescribed fire, and drought in a fire-prone landscape in the south-eastern United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC, 59 pp. Irma was a Category 4 storm with 130 mph wind speeds when it made landfall at Cudjoe Key, Florida (20 miles north of Key West). While the hurricane directly damaged portions of the Southeast, the impacts could be felt around the country in the form of business interruptions (such as tourism), transportation and infrastructure damages (such as ports, roadways, and airports), increases in fuel costs, and $2.5 billion (in 2018 dollars) in total estimated crop losses,109 which had the potential to impact the cost of food and other products for all Americans. Gill, S. E., J. F. Handley, A. R. Ennos, and S. Pauleit, 2007: Adapting cities for climate change: The role of the green infrastructure. Inland areas were also impacted by winds and heavy rains with river gauges and high-water marks showing upwards of 26 feet above ground level.100 The winds eventually fell below tropical storm strength near Columbus, Georgia. Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA, 64 pp. Williams, K., K. C. Ewel, R. P. Stumpf, F. E. Putz, and T. W. Workman, 1999: Sea-level rise and coastal forest retreat on the West Coast of Florida, USA.
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